finance + job mods

Child Support  ─  Sims who have children currently not living on the same lot will pay child support. Other versions of the mod can be found on MTS.

Bills Mod  ─  This mod adds checks and features to the way the game calculates bills.

Loan Jar  ─  Sims are now able to take out loans and pay them back!

Partial Financial Advice  ─  Sims will now get a partial amount of money if the command was canceled.

Social Welfare  ─ Unemployed sims are able to apply for social welfare benefits. Quantity depends of number of children.

No 20k Handouts  ─  Sims no longer receive 20k for free every time they move.

Utility Mod  ─ Basic utilities will be taken into account when the game calculates bills.

More Realistic Wages  ─  Salaries have been cut in half, resulting in more realistic wages.

Professional Blogger  ─  Sims with maxed enthusiasm in a hobby will now get paid.

No Inheritance after Elder Dies  ─  No more cash given to your Sims when an elder relative passes away.

Lower Wages  ─ Reduced salaries for University, FreeTime, and Seasons jobs in order to match base game careers.

Job Options Mod  ─  Several mods included. I like to use “choose part-time or full-time” and “ask before promotion”.

Less Late Penalty  ─ Sims will no longer be fired for missing work 3 days consecutively. Useful for Uni Sims to have a job while attending classes.

Job Stopinator  ─ When placed in a Sims inventory, they will no longer be able to get promoted despite having the necessary skills.

Carpool Warning Fix ─  Sims who are sick or in first stage of pregnancy will now get carpool warnings.

Job Seeking Noticeboard  ─  This object allows Sims to browse and find the perfect career for them. I love to add this to my career services/welfare lot.

Bring Home Friend from Work ─ Asks if you’d like to bring home a friend from work.

Lower Job Promotion Chance  ─ Lowers the chance to get promoted. I use the 50 one.

No Carpool for Mothers  ─  Carpool will no longer arrive for pregnant Sims or mothers.

Job Level Labels  ─  Numerical labels for each job position 1-10.

No Friends Needed for Career  ─  Eliminates the requirement of needing friends to get promoted. Never made sense to me! With Simbology links, choose your latest expansion pack, then search for file.

about + tou

my name’s naomi and i post my downloads and reblog stuff that interests me from time to time. ts2 only, but ts1 is an exception. my cc finds are on a secondary tumblr blog, @neosimifinds. i also run the 4t2 cc database which is aimed at custom content from ts4. :] wcif friendly. requests open but not guaranteed.♡

terms of use

• open tou; feel free to do just about anything you’d like with my stuff, ideally with credit.

• absolutely do not post anything i have made behind a paywall, that includes sites like t$r.

• most of all, don’t be a weirdo and claim/reupload my stuff as your own.
