career services recolors

August 31, 2021
Here are some basic recolors for career/social services lots!
The first is of Pooklet’s overhaul of Mog’s Illuminated Shop Sign found here. I found there’s several versions of this shop sign, like honestly I had three different versions of it in my dl folder, but the mesh attached is the one i made recolors for. I truly do not know where it originates from but it is pooklet’s version that’s for sure. I messed with it, categorizing it to wall hangings but switched it back when I realized wall hangings is likely too cluttered for other simmers so it’s back to the original Lighting -> Misc.
The second is of Amovitam’s 3t2 Gym Painting found here. It’s part of a 3t2 conversion set, so I recommend grabbing the other items! I chose this bc I like the size, it’s something I use all the time already, and well it was the first one I thought of lol. Mesh is included for convenience sake.
yadda, yadda, here’s the download link. [sfs] | [box]
credits: pooklet, moghughson, amovitam, franzillasims, ajaysims, EA.
about + tou
my name’s naomi and i post my downloads and reblog stuff that interests me from time to time. ts2 only, but ts1 is an exception. my cc finds are on a secondary tumblr blog, @neosimifinds. i also run the 4t2 cc database which is aimed at custom content from ts4. :]
wcif friendly.
requests open but not guaranteed.♡
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• open tou; feel free to do just about anything you’d like with my stuff, ideally with credit.
• absolutely do not post anything i have made behind a paywall, that includes sites like t$r.
• most of all, don’t be a weirdo and claim/reupload my stuff as your own.