4t2 parenthood skateboard recolors

🛹 4t2 parenthood skateboard recolors 🛹
as promised (to myself), here are 14 recolors on the “board meeting” mesh from parenthood, converted by earlypleasantview.
there’s a total of 18 skate brands featured, some newer than others, but i made sure to include a few more recognizable brands like element and enjoi. i wish there was a sophisticated catalog of past artwork on decks, and if there were photos, it wasn’t the pristine easy-to-transfer images that are currently on distributors’ websites. so what you see here are the current boards being offered by each respective brand. three of the recolors include more than one brand: girl/chocolate, dgk/keystreet, and deathwish/doomsayers/antihero. i could go on forever about this project it has been my favorite to work on by far! i can definitely see myself making more recolors like this in the future. :]the mesh is included, but be sure to grab EA’s recolors here.
files are compressed. swatches included in the zip.
credits: @earlypleasantview, my bf♡ for the help + suggestions, skate brands: baker, birdhouse, element, enjoi, dgk, deathwish, doomsayers, antihero, girl, chocolate, hookups, krooked, real, santa cruz, + tactics.

about + tou
my name’s naomi and i post my downloads and reblog stuff that interests me from time to time. ts2 only, but ts1 is an exception. my cc finds are on a secondary tumblr blog, @neosimifinds. i also run the 4t2 cc database which is aimed at custom content from ts4. :]
wcif friendly.
requests open but not guaranteed.♡
terms of use
• open tou; feel free to do just about anything you’d like with my stuff, ideally with credit.
• absolutely do not post anything i have made behind a paywall, that includes sites like t$r.
• most of all, don’t be a weirdo and claim/reupload my stuff as your own.